Friday, December 26, 2008

Spending time with family!

Christmas... I love it!! I had a wonderful Christmas being with my family!!! Christmas eve, I opened gifts with mom and my brothers , relaxed and just did nothing. Christmas day was spent with my mom's side of the family. It was funny to watch 3 yr old Leila tell the story of Jonah and then with her grandpa and dad acting it out with her. LOL.
Today, went shopping to get after Christmas deals!! Oh, the joy of shopping with mom!!!! :) I love my mom and we always have fun together!!!
Then, we went car shopping again!!!! Its so funny how every car salesman wants to sell you their car. One of the guys said, I'll even give you a free tv if you buy the car today!
Remember me in your prayers that I find the right car if the Lord's will!

Just think 2009 is around the corner... I want to do my best for the Lord in the coming year!

Friday, December 19, 2008

I love Christmas time!

Christmas is less than a week away!Wow!!!!!
Although, I wish I were home with family but I'm still in Cincinnati working ... Today, I was thinking I love Christmas! As I was driving around Cincinnati today, I was enjoying all the wonderful Christmas lights!!! I love this time of year but don't like the cold! But acually today we had a high of 60 degrees. It was blissful, awesome, wonderful!!! I love it and enjoyed every minute of it... but tonight its getting colder.
I think all my Christmas shopping is done which is awesome!!! So glad I don't have any last minute shopping to do that I know of!
Oh, by the way I'm all moved into my apartment! Sorry, I never get around to putting pics on here. Its really awesome to be out of the dorm but on Monday when I was leaving the dorm and sleeping at my apartment for the first time... I gave Ms. V my keys and she hugged me and the tears started to flow... then I hugged my brother and cried more. It was so weird to give my keys to my dorm room and mailbox key ( I have had that key for over 4 years) to Ms. V and thinking I'm leaving here and starting a new phase of my life. But one thing I do know is that God is in control and He holds my future!!!!

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and remember the reason for the season!!!

Merry Christmas !!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


The last week of school is here and finals start thursday.
All my classes are coming to the end as I finish my last assignments. I just want to praise God and say that He has been so faithful to me over the past years of college!
Now, I'm sitting here wondering why in the world I'm still awake... but thankfully I don't have to stay up all night... I'm going to bed as soon as I finish!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

It snowed!!!!

This has been an interesting week. I was busy with school and other things in life! On, Wednesday in chapel, President Avery dismissed us to go have donuts and coffee in cafeteria becuase of all the end of semester stress. That was so awesome... donuts are yummy!
This weekend is the GBS Christmas program and my family came down to see it.
We got to spend time w/ my sister after the program and Saturday went to the Newport Aquarium and saw a penquin up close and also Scuba Santa. We then ate lunch w/ my Uncle which we had a great time together!!! We also went to the Conservatory!!!! They have beautiful pointsettas this time of year. But I forgot my camera!!! ugh... thankfully, mom had her camera!
And to top it all off, we got several inches of snow today!!
Its beginning to look alot like Christmas!!!! Snow just adds the added effect to put people in the Christmas mood!!!
Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


It was so good to be home. I enjoyed it so much. Thanksgiving day was spent with family on both sides. One my friends wrote me an email and in that email she said I hope you have at least 5 things to be thankful for this thanksgiving season. So, I just sat and started thinking of 5 things... and realized I had so much more to be thankful for - the list could go on! God is so good to us!!
On Friday, I got up at 5am to go shopping with mom which was really fun. After some shopping, we went out for breakfast. Then, went back home for a little and then we went out shopping again. lol.
I also got to help put up our Christmas tree. This year, its a snowman themed tree. Its so pretty, I love it!
I also did some cooking and baking... I made some really good Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip cookies. It was a new receipe that mom had found and we all really liked the cookies!! yum yum
Now, I'm anticipating Christmas and all the joys of the season!
Most of all, I don't ever want to forget the reason for the season. Jesus came as a baby and then one day die on the cross for our sins!! It's so amazing that Christ did this for us.
Christmas is my favorite time of the year; I have been listening to Christmas music for quite awhile now.
May you all enjoy this special time of the year!!!