Wednesday, November 19, 2008

God is working in my life!!

So, I thought its been way too long since I've last blogged. God has been working in my life so much... I just have to praise Him for everything He's been doing. He's been especially teaching me to trust him and its not always easy.
Most of you know that I'm done with school in December and I've been praying for God's will for what I should do next... well looks like I'll be staying in Cincinnati... God has provided an apartment for me... and if things work out a full-time job as well!!! So, I'm praying that if its God's will I will get this job... so I'm trusting Him that he knows best.
In the meantime, I have been extremely busy with school work and it seems to be very overwhelming at times!!! But, the end is in sight and I'm very grateful!!!! I can do it through God's grace!
I'm so ready for Thanksgiving break... one more week I can do it!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

My 23rd Birthday Weekend!!!!

I was able to go home for my birthday. It was so good to be home and I had so much fun! I wanted to bring friends home to join the celebrating so Elizabeth Enyart, Sharonna Mitchell and Christy Fiskeaux came for the weekend and Sam came home too!!!
Friday night, was the Annual Fall Hayride at the Coles. We had a great hayride... especially because I was on the wagon that didn't throw hay. I enjoyed looking at all the stars... God's creation and His beauty just amazes me! We also went on a corn maze... some people (we won't name names)tried to scare us but they didn't scare me. ha ha. The weather was so nice... we also enjoyed time around the fire and roasting marshmallows!!!
I also got to go shopping at J.C. Penny's , visit the Smucker's store and Sunny Slope Apple Orchard. If you remember in a previous blog... I wrote about going to the orchard... Well, I got to go and sample apples and we got apple cider. yummy.
We then decided to go bowling... this was my first time bowling... and I really liked it. I can't wait to go again! After bowling, we went to Starbucks... we had some good times.
Then, we stayed up late watching movies. Another added bonus, we got an extra hour of sleep!
Sunday, was my 23rd birthday... wow how times flies... It was nice going to church and seeing all my friends but most of all to worship God. I miss all the people back home! After church, we came home and had a wonderful meal my mother made... It was so good. Then, we had birthday cake. It was chocolate cake and we had rocky road and bumpy road ice cream. Then, I opened my gifts...
Later my cousins came over... it was so good to see them.
After supper, it was time to head back to Cincinnati...
All in all, it was an awesome birthday and extra fun weekend!!! Thank you to all who wished me Happy Birthday and made my day special!!!